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Saturday, February 2, 2013




Dear Kabaka,

I can truly say that you are one of the best things in my life. You have taught me so much through your kindness, your sensitivity, open mind, and love. Because of you my life has changed for the better. You have given me new perspective - new eyes to see the world through. Now, because of all you've taught me, the world seems brighter and I can walk into new experiences with confidence, devoid of cynicism and bitterness.

You are the perfect companion. You give me courage and strength to face uncertainties with the assurance that you are right there, holding my hand and guiding me all throughout. I don't think I would have survived some of my darkest moments in the past if you hadn't been with me. You became my source of joy and light when I thought there was no more happiness to be found.

I always thank God for bringing you into my life. You are the greatest blessing that he has ever given to me and I will be eternally grateful that he gave me a chance to share my life with you. But I also want to thank you for everything.  I only wish that I could be with you forever.


Nikki X

Dear Kabaka,

You've been a part of my life for almost five years now. I want you to know that those five years have been the happiest in my life. I've enjoyed every moment of it! Even though we've gone through some rough times, I have never thought of trading a single moment of my time spent with you for someone or something else.

You've become such a staple in my everyday life that I cannot imagine what it would be like not having you around. I don't think I could stand it. I hope that there never comes a time that we'll be apart. I hope there never comes a point in our lives that we don't want or need to be together anymore. I love you so much that just the mere thought of being without you breaks my heart. Know that I have made a promise to love, cherish, and be with you for the rest of my life. You can always count on that, my love.


Nikki X

Dear Kabaka,

What have you done to me? Almost every waking hour is spent thinking about you and wanting to be near you so I can hold and kiss you. Before I go to bed at night you are the last thing on my mind and every morning after waking you are the first person I think of. I think I'm madly in love with you! But I don't ever want this feeling to stop. I want to continue loving you until my last breath. I also want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. I promise to never let you down. You will always have my heart and I promise to take care of you as long as you want me to. I love you.


Nikki X

Dear Kabaka,
That fateful night still replays in my mind. I can still remember how I turned the key to the door of our hearts and had that strange feeling within me -- that I would not find you inside my life. I was right. I found the note that you left telling me that you were ending our relationship and that you will never come back. This happened over three weeks ago but I still have a deep longing in my heart every time I look at the car windshield where you left your heart-rending note. Feelings of anger, sadness, and regret overcame me. I was thinking about your reasons for leaving me or the things I did to you which made you go. You've warned me before that you would leave me but I never took it to heart. The cruel reality of my empty existence without you made me contemplate on the things I did that forced you to go.

The foremost reason, I presume, is my terrible temper. When I am stressed or uncomfortable, I start saying hurting words at everyone around me. I have said sorry before but I will do better this time, my love.

I have already made an appointment with a doctor. He'll give me some anti-temper pills. You've also been suggesting for quite some time that we need to separate for a while, and I've refused for so many times. Right now, I've realized how closed-minded I was and I am willing and ready to see one. In fact, I am willing to do anything else to make our relationship work because I have already learned my lesson. I am aware that my bad behavior is intolerable. Most of all, I am aware that I just cannot live without you. If you will grant me an opportunity, I promise you that everything will change for the better.

Even if I am not really expressive most of the time, I truly love and miss you. I hope you miss me, too -- even just a little. I wish you will consider starting anew with our relationship. We can have dinner at your place tomorrow night to mark a new beginning. I believe that both of us have memorable moments at that place, if you know what I mean. If you'll consider giving me a second chance, just please call me. Otherwise, I'll know that you don't want to see me again, and I will just keep on going.

I miss you a lot.


Nikki X


Dear Delegate,

From the moment I began developing strong feelings for you, I knew things were not going to be easy to deal with. After all, I have been in love with Kabaka for over a couple years and it was actually because of that why we met. Of course, when I was still with Kabaka I only saw you as a friend of his, at first. But after he broke my heart and you were always around to comfort me and keep my spirits high, I think that was when I started seeing you in a different light.

I'm sorry if it seems like I somehow took advantage of the friendship you offered me. Please know that it was never my intention to make you feel that way. I know I shouldn't feel the way I do about you but sometimes we just can't help whom we fall in love with next.

I wasn't embarassed when, after confessing to you how I feel, you told me that you had feelings for me too.  I was blinded by my emotions when I fell in love with both of you.  And I failed to understand how complicated the whole situation would be for us, especially since you're good friends with Kabaka.


Nikki X

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