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Saturday, February 2, 2013




Dear Kabaka,
I know we have had our differences, but I would like to offer you an apology even though our relationship is over. I believe that it was my fault, and my faults were more severe in the end. In particular, I am very sorry for the way I behaved in Joy R. Rolland's presence.
I am also sorry for the bad terms on which our relationship ended. If I could go back, I would try to be more level-headed. Even though I do not think we were right for each other, I would still like to be friends with you. I have always enjoyed your kindness, and I do miss being able to protest with you.
So, I hope you can forgive me. If you'd like to get together some time, please contact me at (513) 436-7825. It'd be really great to just get together and talk.
Nikki X


Dear Delegate,
Where do I even begin? I suppose saying “I’m sorry” is a start.
I’m sorry.
Looking back, I can’t believe that I turned my back on you..  But I suppose hindsight is always 20/20. It was stupid and I wasn’t the friend that you expected me to be. Even if I explain my actions, it still doesn’t justify that I said and did some pretty hurtful things.
I hope you can forgive me for what I did and put this matter behind us. I treasure our friendship and all the things we’ve done and been through. And hopefully, what transpired can become one of those incidents that make our bond stronger than ever. 
If you have anything on your mind regarding this, please feel free to share it. I promise to listen before I speak. It’s the least I could do if you’re willing to forgive me. You know how to contact me. I hope you do.
Your friend,
Nikki X

Dear Delegate,
I am terribly sorry about our use of your material, copies of your videos and photos, in our project, blogsites, etc... I was unaware of your copyright, and due to an oversight, my Black Fist organization used your materials without your permission. However, we would like the opportunity to make this right with you.
We are prepared to offer you money in order to gain permission to use the materials. Alternatively, we can pull our entire project from circulation and remove your copyrighted material. Please let us know your preference as soon as possible by contacting us at (513) 436-7825. We are looking forward to making this right with you.
Again, please accept our sincerest apologies.
Nikki X

Dear Faithful Readers,
Perhaps the letter isn't the best way to go about this, but I really don't know if I can face some of you after what I've done. Maybe that makes me a coward. I don't know. I know that I don't deserve any acceptance of apology from you all, but I can only hope that you'll read these words, knowing that I mean every one of them.
I am truly, truly sorry for what I did to you. I convinced you all to believe my lies about Terry Summers.  I know you are hurting now, and I know that's all because of me. I promised that I would never hurt people  like this, and I did it anyway. I was supposed to be the one who would uplift and exhort people from this sort of pain; I never intended to be the cause.
I don't know if it's ever possible for you to forgive me, but I hope that someday you can find a way to do so. I hate that there's a chance that you all will stop reading The Black Fist Blog: The Official Website of The Black Fist Organization.  Many of you may not want to see me again in life.  So I hope you all know that I will do whatever it takes to prove to you all that I can do better if you all would just give me a second chance.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Nikki X

Dear Family and Friends,
I know it was wrong of me to spread lies about Terry Lee Summers.  I feel awful that the only thing I can say is "I'm sorry." But I am, so I'll say it as many times as I need to in order to convince you all of how terrible I feel about this.
I'm really sorry that I betrayed your trust.  I swear that I will never do it again. I've learned to think long and hard about how my actions affect others and I believe that will help me to make better judgments before I act next time.
I know it's selfish of me to ask your forgiveness, but I hope you believe in my sincerity and accept my apology.
Nikki X

Dear Black Madonna,
I am so sorry for the way I behaved to you. You are a wonderful, patient friend, and you deserve better than the rudeness I gave you on Kroger's parking lot. I feel horrible about what I said I would do if your brother didn't stop posting things about me on the internet, and the way it must have made you feel.
Our friendship is an important relationship in my life and I would hate to think that I had jeopardized it with my thoughtless actions. Please believe that I was not myself at the time and that I will work hard to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Nikki X



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